Cocomeric – a powerful, natural remedy

Cocomeric – a new take on golden paste
Chances are you have heard about golden paste and its benefits many times, but let us just reiterate what a powerful, natural remedy this is!

Turmeric has been used in Asian cultures for centuries, it is used as a spice, for colouring and for medication. In recent years it has gained much more traction in the western cultures and it should come as no surprise.
The wonders of curcumin (the active ingredient in turmeric) are extensive; there has been a lot of research into the benefits and they are not just unfounded claims. Recent research …Read More

5 Reasons To Eat Less Meat

5 Reasons to eat less meat
One of the bigger issues that needs to be addressed before it is too late, is the impact livestock farming has on the environment and what a miserable existence the poor animals have in their short lives.

More than 50 billion land animals are raised and slaughtered yearly for consumption around the world. These animals not only have horrible living conditions, but the production has a serious impact on the environment.

Dogs can live on a plant-based diet, even adding small amounts of plant matter to their diet can be beneficial in many ways. Understanding what consequences …Read More

Hemp Oil – An Amazing Source of Omega 3 and 6

Most of us know that we need a source of omega 3’s and 6’s in our diet and our usual “go to” supplement would be fish/krill oil, but did you know that hemp seed oil is just as potent in these essential fatty acids?

Humans usually get plenty of omega 6 in their diet through cooking oils and nuts, dogs do not get the same amounts.
Bountiful benefits
Omega 6 contains Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) which helps keeping allergies, arthritis, digestive issues, diabetes and cancer at bay. Even though dogs can synthesize GLA themselves, healthy dogs have been found to have deficiencies.

Hemp oil contains …Read More

Organic Food Benefits Your Pet Too

Organic food benefits your pet too
In recent years there has come more and more focus on eating organically. Though it used to be a given when our grandparents were kids, the need for greater yields in farming and a higher demand for out of season produce brought with it the need for pest treatment with chemical products. Even though there are strict regulations in place to ensure our food doesn’t contain harmful amounts of chemicals, they do still contain some, by eating organic we reduce the amount of chemicals we absorb in our bodies. But it’s not just us who …Read More

Advice For First-Time Pet Owners

Advice For First-Time Pet Owners


Now that you’ve decided to have a pet, you have a few decisions to make. Before the fun can start, you need to choose the right pet for your lifestyle, prepare your home and budget in advance, and learn how to acclimate your pet to your home. Read this advice to get started.

First things first
Which Pet Is Best For Me?

In order to figure out which pet to get, you’ll need to answer a few questions that can help you make the best choice.


Why do I want a pet?
Are you looking for quiet companionship in your …Read More

10 Nutritious Foods For Your Dog

If you are wondering if your dog can eat things like apples, pumpkin, beans and yogurt, then the answer is yes. Most of us know that too much of our human food can make our dogs sick or a bit on the chunky side, but these 10 foods can safely be added and they will give a bit of a nutritional boost to your four legged friends diet. You just have to remember that you don’t give them more that 25% of their normal diet.

Yoghurt is a great addition to your dogs meals, as it provides them with a good …Read More

Your dog can eat vegetables too

If your dog will eat leafy greens raw, try various types of lettuce, spinach, kale, and even cabbage (for kale and cabbage, see caution below about gas-inducing veggies). Swiss chard is high in vitamins A, K, and C, as well as fibre and protein. This powerhouse veggie can be bitter when raw, so lightly steam before serving. Limit your servings of this as it is also high in oxalic acid which can interfere with calcium absorption. On the up side, one leaf of Swiss chard contains only 38 C, so it’s a great low-calorie treat.

Zucchini is a good source of calcium, …Read More

Is The Environment Suffering Because Of Our Way Of Living?

Is The Environment Suffering Because Of Our Way Of Living?
Here is 9 ways a plant based diet helps improve our planet.

Meat production takes up 30% of the Earth’s ice-free area

An astonishing 30% of all the ice-free surface area of the Earth is currently being used to either rear livestock or grow food to feed those animals.

As the global population grows and developing countries increase their wealth and prosperity, meat consumption is expected to double within the next 30 to 40 years.

At this rate, it doesn’t take someone with a university degree in higher mathematics to work out that something’s got …Read More

Can dogs be vegetarian? Not really, but…

If you haven’t heard about vegan and vegetarian diets for dogs, let me get you up to speed here …

Right now if you Google “vegetarian diets for dogs”or “vegan diets for dogs” you’ll find a whole lot of controversy…

Your search results will pull up passionate advocates insisting that dogs can simply live without meat and that plant based meals are a much better choice. But you’ll also find articles strongly contradicting these theories and vets and experts who are very much for feeding dogs a high protein meat diet.

So how do we know which is the best meal plan for our dogs?

Great …Read More

The Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Dogs

Coconut oil is extremely popular these days. You may use it yourself as a health supplement, for cooking, as a homemade toothpaste or deodorant ingredient, to moisturize your skin or condition your hair.

Because of its antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, many people also use coconut oil for a number of medicinal purposes.

Although supplements can be a confusing topic for many dog owners, you probably know about the benefits of feeding Omega-3 oils like fish, krill or flaxseed oils to your dog. These oils contain essential fatty acids, which, as the name indicates, are essential to your dog’s health.

But other oils also support …Read More